OTL GR Corolla Front Mount Intercooler Update
As an intercooler update, we want to walk you guys though our manufacturing process and what we use to determine a quality product. With over 2 decades of product development experience, we want to ensure that the customer receives the best quality product possible.
FMIC Update June 14, 2024 w/ OTL Jay
Pre production
The process starts with samples from the prospective foundry or material supplier.
We then evaluated their abilities, quality and attention to detail, we received 5 intercooler end tank samples and built/installed them on the vehicle for fitment evaluation and testing.
The sample end tanks were approved, and we moved on to the production process.
Production FMIC
Upon receiving the production parts the first order of business was to visually inspect them, repair any defects with surface finish then move on to the manufacturing process, unfortunately the only way to pressure check them is to weld them to a core first.
we attempted a test rig without the core, but it did not seal well enough to evaluate the tanks prior to welding.After welding, the intercoolers are placed in a tank and pressurized to 40psi, we then thoroughly inspect the core and end tanks for any leaks.
If it's possible to repair any leaks, we will then mark those leaks and place the intercoolers in a rework pile to be repaired.
Unfortunately, with this batch of castings we found that they were porous, and air was coming from several pin hole locations. Our failure analysis determined that the casting process was not correct causing these defects.
We are working with our foundry to get these end tanks replaced, unfortunately this takes time, and we are pushing the process as fast as we are able.
Thank you for choosing OTL
We plan to work overtime and on weekends to remedy this problem for our loyal customers, in addition to this we will be offering those who wait discounts and some free swag for their patience.
If you have an interest in any other OTL Products, please let us know and we will be happy to offer you a noticeable discount on any products you would like!
If you wish to no longer wait and cancel your order, you are entitled to a full refund.
We want to thank all of our Loyal customers for your patience and we strive to bring you the best experience possible, our mission is to provide you with high quality products at affordable prices.